sábado, 7 de junio de 2014

Our Marichi is home!

After only a short two-day hospital stay, María has come home this afternoon! Dr. Paley is delighted with her recovery, and is still marveling at the state of her hip,x the result of the superhip operation he performed on her three years ago.
She is a real trooper, and has been moving around on her own, using her walker and crutches. And she even insisted on climbing the stairs to sleep in the upstairs bedroom. Guts!
She will have the weekend to recoup and then on Monday she begins with the lengthening process.

In the meantime, Grandma and Grandpa have been running the ship at home.  We had forgotten how much fun it was having small children, especially a Terrible Two, like Belen!  She has us laughing and crying at the same time! She reminds of her mother, Diana, when she was a baby! Quite the character.  (The other day, I stopped by two day care centers to inquire about enrolling her in July...)
Luckily, Patty and Paula have been cooperative and helpful.  And we are so happy to have Mari back and the family together again.

On to stage two...

2 comentarios:

  1. Hola queridos todos, tanto Luisa como yo mismo (JL) os mandamos nuestros recuerdos desde Villaviciosa de Odon (Madrid) y confiamos que todo vaya bien, pero como digo... que os vaya fantasticamente bien!!!!
    Un fuerte abrazo y un especial beso para María.

  2. !Hola Familia! Nos alegramos muchísimo de veros tan bien a todos. os echamos de menos. María Espinosa dice que se le hace raro salir al patio. Y Alba de la clase de Paula me dijo el otro día que también la echaba de menos.
    Bueno os esperamos con los brazos abiertos, pero mientras disfurtad.
    La familia Espinosa os un beso gigante a todos, y otro especial para María Sánchez!!!!
