martes, 17 de junio de 2014

And so our life goes on...

As you can see, our life here in Florida has setted into a routine, with Paula and Patricia now in day camp. (See pic in post below) At first, poor Paula was overwhelmed by all those kids speaking English, and the camp director kindly let her call us, and we assured her it would be fine.  Sure enough, when we went to pick them up, she had already acquired a new best friend!

Maria has continued to excel in effort and results in her physical therapy and does not seem to have had any problems (fingers crossed!) with her lengthenings. She has reached a 95 degrees knee flex, and for the first time, today, with great effort,  0 degree leg extension, meaning that she can fully extend her leg. At times this involves pain, but she takes it all and doesn't complain, a real champ!
(See photo of Maria in PT in previous post)

She will have her first X-rays on June 27, when we will see how much the bone has grown, and decide whether or not to up the lengthening rate to 1 mm daily.

Today Maria was measured for a new type of prosthesis, an AFO (ankle-foot orthesis).  It looks like she will be now be wearing a shoe with a lift which will be adjusted as her leg gets longer.  Very exciting for her, as she now must choose a shoe to which the lift will be added.  She has already seen some very trendy Sperrys in the mall that she loves!

Delia and Elisa have brightened up our days, and Delia is in love with her cousins and they with her.  She has even begun to eat a bit more, copying Belen.  Today she even ate a tiny ice cream cone, her first!
We love to take walks around the community and we even found a new neighbor- an alligator lazing along the river bank!!!!  We were all quite impressed and will be even more cautious about getting near the shore.  If you don't believe me, see the photo below!

1 comentario:

  1. Hola a estreno en el blog. Sólo para daros mucha fuerza desde Madrid y en breve desde esas maravillosas playas de Roche que tan bien conoceis. Los "bolivarianos" nos acordaremos mucho de vosotros desde allí. Gracias por los comentarios. Icho, Diana, Grandpas y niñas, sois una fuente de enseñanza y energia para todos nosotros. Os enviamos mucho cariño y besos para todos y para María el mas fuerte de los achuchones de parte de Javi y sus chicas.
