lunes, 2 de junio de 2014

Great News!

We have had wonderful news from Maria's visit to Dr. Paley.  He was delighted with the state of her hip and considers her operation his best work.  He videotaped her walking, running, etc., calling in other doctors to observe her marvelous progress.  He compared x-rays of her femur before and after and considered the results "amazing, as good as it gets".
The doctor was very pleased with Maria's progress with her Physioterapist, (thank you Maria Nogueria!) the result of both Maria's very hard work.
So now the objective is to begin lenghtening shortly after her operation on June 5, to the maximum of 8 centimeters, 1 millimeter a day for 16 weeks.  She will have daily physiotherapy, both at home and at the hospital.  We will be able to return home to Spain after this for the consolidation phase.
Her "pin care", which is the cleaning of the wounds, will be every other day and include swimming in the pool or beach.
During the whole process of lengthening and consolidation, Maria needs to lead a normal, active life, walking on her leg which will help bone growth and strengthening her femur. Her prosthetic leg will be adapted to her leg growth.
So, on Thurs June 5, at 10 am the operation will begin and take about 4-5 hours and she should be home in 2-3 days.  Then, a week of recuperation and the 16 weeks of lengthening begins.
Thanks for all your prayers and support.  We will be needing them!

6 comentarios:

  1. Well done marichi in miami!!! Eres una campeona! Y las hermanas tambien siempre acompañando! Os echo de menos!! :*

  2. Vamos !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Maria , mucho animo y siempre mirando hacia delante
    Por aqui ya estamos en verano
    Besos a todos

  3. maria, you are one amazing kiddo. so glad to hear your amazing progress and we will be thinking of you all day tomorrow. lots of luck to all. -colio

  4. MARY!! I am so glad to hear this!!. You are great!! I just wanted to send you an enormous kiss and a hug. Everything is gonna be ok tomorrow, I'm sure. We miss you girls! I 'll try to send you the theatre play and our school magazine as soon as possible . ok? Please keep us posted.
    Muchos besitos desde España de vuestra profe Bea

  5. This is truly wonderful news. We will be praying for more wonderful things during her surgery tomorrow. Let Maria know she is getting love from all corners of the world. Kisses to all and I will be looking for your entries later. Love - Marsha

  6. ¡Qué alegría recibir tan buenas noticias!
    María, eres MUY VALIENTE y estás haciendo las cosas muy bien. Todos estamos orgullosos de ti y contentos por tus progresos. Pensamos en ti y te apoyamos con nuestras oraciones.
    ¡¡¡ÁNIMO, campeona!!!!
