domingo, 10 de julio de 2011


We've spent the day on the road,going from Palm Beach to Tampa. But first we stopped off for lunch in Orlando, with my old friend and former ASB Kindergarten teacher, Jane Ballard. She received us with a true Basque welcome, including an Athletic de Bilbao flag hanging on her tree! She looks as fantastic as ever, she never seems go get older. And her house is just beautiful, with views of a lake. After an "aperitivo" there, we all invaded a local Mexican restaurant, where Jane and I caught up on all our "news".  A good time was had by all.
Then on to Tampa and "Nonno and Nonna´s" house where lots of surprise gifts were waiting for the girls, including a grand welcome from the alligator in the backyard lake, who lifted his head up out of the water just to greet us!  Some exciting days await us.

2 comentarios:

  1. Probando a ver si puedo escribir un comentario.

    Gracias por mantenernos informados a través del blog, así os echamos un poquito menos en falta!

    Muchos besos a todos y recuerdos a Pauli de la madrina!

  2. Envious and happy to see you and Janey together enjoying the sunshine. Here its blowing a gale aznd pouring!!!!!!!!!!!
