domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2014

Another week down!

We have had another good week and less than three more to go home!  We are getting excited, doing lots of shopping (the bargains here are ridiculous!) and trying to figure out how on earth we will get it all packed in our bags!
Yesterday morning was spent at the library.  The girls are all reading up a storm, with much emphasis coming from their school being given to reading and enjoying it!  Paula, who just started first grade is reading second grade books in English already!  And the twins are right on level with their fourth grade classmates.  To say nothing about Belen who is the queen of board books... I am one happy Grandma!

As it was raining, we stayed indoors and did some excercise on the wii we have in the house.  It is great for Maria especially, to keep her knee bending.  Take a look at her

Then, the mailman arrived with Belen's new American passport!  A red letter day for her!

We had a special guest for dinner too.  Fran Guardo, the director of Physical Therapy at the Paley Institute was kind enough to join us and we had a lovely time.  Fran's son is living in Bilbao ( what a small world!!!) and she is planning on visiting him in Oct. So we will be seeing her soon over there!

6 comentarios:

  1. What lovely photos, such good news and wonderful readers, who could ask for more! Bsss

  2. ¡Qué buenas noticias! ¡Qué poquito queda ya! Mucho ánimo para todos en la recta final.

  3. Qué bien, los objetivos están por cumplirse, Belén con su pasaporte..... Ya no os queda nada..... Besos para todos.
    Santos y Maite.

  4. Nos alegramos enormemente de tan buenas noticias. un fuerte abrazo desde Pinto. Ruli & family

  5. Cuando me puedo ir apuntando a recibir las clases particulares de Pati?
    Es mi profe preferida.
