domingo, 24 de agosto de 2014

Happy birthday Diana

It was a busy, happy week, with the girls really enjoying and getting into school.  Patty and María both have an assignment to make a robot, which Grandpa has embraced as his own !  And all three girls have a reading log, which has them enthusiastically reading every day, making for one happy Grandma!

Sat. was Diana's 39th birthday, which the whole family celebrated together.  Diana invited us all to visit the Henry Flagler Museum in West Palm Beach, which is a gorgeous Gilded Age mansion a la Great Gatsby. Flagler was the millionaire partner of Rockefeller of Standard Oil and the promotor of Florida as a vacation resort area.  His mark is all over Palm Beach and he is revered as the founder of American resorts.  
His house was fantastic, and even the girls were fascinated by the history it told.  A good time was had by all.

Alas, this morning Icho had to go home to Madrid.  The girls already miss him dreadfully, remarking at dinner time that the table seemed empty without him. I too, his partner in blogging, will miss his teasing me when his blog posts rack up more than mine...!
Icho, we miss you!!!!

2 comentarios:

  1. No conozco personalmente a Icho, en sus intervenciones proyecta alegría, optimismo y confianza y eso seguro que vais a echar de menos, pero entre todas las chicas que os quedais seguro que dejais el pabellón bien alto.
    El Aitite Angel velará por todos.
    Felicidades Diana por tus 39, estás fantástica.
    Muchos besos para todos.
    Santos y Maite.

  2. Muchas felicidades Diana. Un beso muy grande de parte de Maribel y Gabi y por supuesto de los niños
